Targeted, cost effective and measurable digital marketing.

Below are our recommended steps in how to acquire digital authority. We guide you and your business in how to not only venture through today’s digital landscape but to succeed in it.

What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimisation) is the implementation of technical processes that improve the quality and quantity of traffic your website gets from search engines. Search engines are platforms such as Google, Bing and Yahoo where users search for anything on the internet.

Why is SEO important?

SEO is now a mandatory practice for your business’s website.

  • 94% of searches are made on the Google Search Engine.
  • 75% of users never click past the first page of search results.
  • 68% of all online experiences begin with a search engine.
  • Users will only spend up to 10 seconds before leaving your website if your website and content did not resonate with them.
  •  85% of consumers will make an online search before making a purchase decision.

Our SEO Packages

We have crafted 3 different SEO packages depending where you are in your digital journey.

Each pack is a one-off cost and a one-off implementation. We recommend that you have implemented all the practices in each pack before advancing to the next. Other than that, we also recommend an SEO service check up once a year. Simple. Stop paying a monthly cost for nothing!

Our SEO foundations pack is generally for new businesses, new domains/websites or small to medium businesses that have minimal digital presence.

Our Advanced SEO Pack is our most popular package and will suit most businesses. This package includes KPI, goals and custom conversion tracking implementation on your website + a tutorial to show you how to record and report them.

Our Ultimate SEO pack is for any business who already have an established online presence but need to know if their SEO rankings are truly working for them or not. This pack also includes technical SEO practices such as a customer journey & UI/UX audit, site speed optimisation and web page error detection.

SEO Foundations Pack

  • Meta titles and descriptions on main pages
  • Alt tags on featured images
  • Optimise search appearance
  • Deindex any archived/unused pages
  • Trusted SEO plugin installed and configured
  • Google analytics tracking tool implemented
  • Install search console
  • New sitemap uploaded for Google to crawl once completed

Advanced SEO Pack

  • SEO Audit
  • On page error report
  • Create keyword strategy
  • Optimise Meta titles and descriptions
  • Restructure H tags on all main pages
  • Custom Conversion Goals and Tracking Parameters
  • Optimise search appearance
  • Deindex any archive/unused pages
  • Resubmit sitemap to Google once completed

Ultimate SEO Pack

Initial Strategy Meeting

Keyword search report and keyword strategy

SEO Audit

On page error Report

Meta Data updated on all main pages

Content Optimised on all main pages

Basic Site Speed Optimisation

Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager implemented

Custom Conversion Goals and Tracking Parameters

Analytics Custom Goals Reporting 

Google Site Map updated


per month
  • Initial Strategy Meeting
  • Campaign set up
  • Keyword Research
  • Ad Copy Creation
  • Ad Extensions Setup
  • Negative Keyword Management
  • Google Analytics
  • Simple Conversion Tracking
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Monthly Optimisation
  • Monthly Reporting


per month
  • Everything in Basic
  • A/B Testing
  • Landing Page Optimisation
  • Quality Score Analysis
  • Advanced Bid Management
  • Custom Ad Audience Targeting
  • Custom Conversion Tracking
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Geographic Targeting (Multi location Campaigns)
  • Annual SEO Audit
  • Enhanced Reporting


per month
  • Everything in Advanced
  • Advanced Targeting – National and International Campaigns
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Quarterly Strategy Review
  • Google Shopping Ads Management
  • Landing Page A/B Testing
  • Quarterly Strategy Review
  • Custom Reporting
  • Monthly Executive Summary

Template Design Email

  • Initial Strategy Meeting
  • Database upload and wash
  • Database growth strategy
  • An engaging, branded, mobile responsive email campaign
  • Content editable template
  • Monthly Performance reports

Custom Design Email

    • Initial Strategy Meeting
    • Database upload and wash
    • Database growth strategy
    • An engaging, branded, mobile responsive email campaign
    • Custom designed sections, imagery and content
    • Monthly Performance reports

Email Automation

  • Automated Sign up emails
  • Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Email re-marketing
  • Automated sales funnel mailers
  • Automated lead magnet mailers
  • Annual Service/booking due mailers
  • Automated Loyalty Mailers
  • Re-Engagement emails
  • Demographic, location based emails
Utilise your digital data and empower your business strategy.
Let us create a forecastable, dependable, investable, scaleable marketing plan so you can enjoy business again.
  • Improve your domain value. Our comprehensive and concise SEO packs will garner digital value and see that qualified traffic increases organically over time.
  • Leave the competition behind. We develop in-depth, KPI driven, market leading ad strategies using the latest tools and software








